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love art and and creative.full of ideas and always bloated!ehhehehe Designer.photographer.teacher... Art teacher :P


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Saturday, January 30, 2010

DramaPurbakala :)

WWhohoooooooo!!!!!!!Tarik nafas panjang-panjang...sebab tak tau camner nak mula nih....Bila tengok gambar ni sangat teruja tahap apa tak tau la...Hanya ease..dan kengkawan yang lain je la yang tau (for now...Aien + Ease can feel the vibration kot)waiting for more!!!!..what a life..WONDERFUL!!!

Kisahnya bermula bila satu hari...kat FB ternampak someone....someone that i really know i guess...sure tak sure sangat la kan...BUT my heart says that is you..anyway..i just message manala tau..kotkot betul plak..kalau tak sorry ehhehe argghh pedulikla...aku nak tanya gak tak puas hati nih!!!.TRUE! .lepas message tu sent...ala-ala tak puas lagi hati nih...pergi tengok balik all her pics......and..ohohoho i found my old album and..YEAH!!! thats you!!!i can identify your smile babe!!!i'm sure...add friend! then Holla!!! it's true!!!huh i miss you buddy! AIEN HAINI :)

Few days after...i had a very nice chat with her this morning,it's saturday...then..she told me bout the others..tak tunggu lagi weih...carik la...and...i found EASE!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! and..i found the rest..not all but suzi is there...i can see hazwin..nani...and kak ida...whuhuhu tak sabar rasanya nak post lagi gambar-gambar...

Walaupun perkenalan tu tak la lama...tapi it stays in me!!!sekejap yang sangat bermakna...sekejap yang membawa erti KAWAN. and now...time bring us back together again..the great time in life...and i never forget all of you! big hug for all of you...

As i know...Aien just married...Ati as well got 2 babies already.not forgeting Suzi...i can see she has a lovely daughter hehe and Ease got new born girly!...1 month old :) whuhuuuhuuu macam banyak je cerita nih...

After Chit-chat with Ease..she told me..'macam nak nanges arr' ahhahahaha and you know, aku sangat emosi ok...ahhaha dah meleleh pun!!!ahahhaha nanges happy weih... :) (Rewind everything in my mind spinning an old hard disk-gila laju-)ahhahahahaha

Kena lepak nih!!! Ayuh kawan-kawan!tak sabarnya.....

**wondering where is Nani.Mira.kak Ida.Eileen.Nurin.Effa.and Eyzat (i can find her i guess) maybe :) hehehe...lalink let's do it! we'll plan the lepak session nanti ok!

Happy time joget-joget like the blue hippo!ahhaha
smiling me macam joker!
-ipod burst-i'll be missing you-puff daddy+faith feat 112