Ini saya...

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love art and and creative.full of ideas and always bloated!ehhehehe Designer.photographer.teacher... Art teacher :P


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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

~My Qhalif~

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Q love mommy's super milk!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Breastfeeding tickers

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

i'm on Epidural

Sure semua rasa takut bila sebut epidural...even my mama bila sebut je kata nak amik epidural..dia punya muka bekeronyok kata jangan...hish! kenapa jangan dan kenapa tidak???
 i want painless labour...
masa kat 1st stage midwife dah tanya...nak epidural ke tak...
dengan sepantas kilat i jawab..Yes please..i memang nak pun...ehhehehdia siap cakap..hari biasa ni kitaorang offer kalau cuti2 tak offer pun sbb doc nak buat mungkin takde..
so dia pun bagi la pamplet suh baca about epidural...lagipun i did read and ask my SIL bout this...
baca kena banyak ye..supaya tak confius tak tahu..kena amik tahu ye...

i dah cakap Dh awal-awal..i want!
bila dah dihantar ke labour room....segala tube apa ntah ikat sana sini suma dah pasang..diorang monitor heart rate contraction etc...1st doc yang sepatutnya buat tu tiba-tiba ada meeting plak..nasib baik ada doc lagi i remembered yang 1st doc tu perempuan tp datang another doc lelaki doc alias...dia pun explain bout epidural...blablablablabla...
mula la bersiap sedia untuk dicucuk...kena duduk tegak-tegak jagna gerak...rasa cuak..takut(apa saja yang ada jarum ni semua la cuak!)ehhehehe
tak samapai berapa min dah siap dah pun..hmmm not bad...rasa dia takla sakit mana...cuak je lebih...kira boleh senyum-senyum la...
yang kelakarnya..after that..tergelak-gelak sambil megaruk! gila gatal! ahhahah tu side effectnya tapi skejap je la habis muka semua gatal..macam beruk kena belacan..DH pun tolong gelak...


dah ada epidural...siap boleh tweet..Fb,call,sms bagai...berlagak tul!hihi macam enjoy dengan epidural!
sesekali..mata tu berpusing juga tengok mesin tu...tak tau tgk n baca benda tu..tapi as i know sebelah heart rate baby..sebelah lagi contraction...siap buat perbandingan tu...
masa cek2 biasa tu..90-100 tu dah macam tak keruan naik lebih pun lek je...phewww!
enjoying my epidural!

ni dah tak enjoy dah ahhahah
bila dah bukak 9cm...ha sudah...epidural dah tak work lagi...they want me to feel the pain biar senang nak push..OMG!!! (dalam hati i want more epidural..erghhhhhh)
dah mula la tak keruan...sakit yang tak tau nak kata camner...
dah tak boleh nak berlagak tweet2 fb dah masa tu rasa nak lempang je sapa yang cakap banyak!

bila semuanya dah selamat...doc tanya nanti nak epidural tak for next baby...hihihi
yes doc!!! sure!
senyum je doc tu...hiihi

TQ epidural! heheheh

1st baby

Kisahnya pergi check-up ,HUKM, punyalah lama menunggu..ingat kena scan bagai..tapi kali ni tak payah plak..terus jumpa doc..sebelum masuk tu..dah terasa lain macam..kenapala sakit ni...agak kurang selesa yang teramat..dah mula resah gelisah...muka agak berkeronyok sebab sakit..doc tanya...sakit ke..ha ah..sakit..kenapa tak cakap dari tadi boleh masuk awal...

ler..kalau tau dah cakap dah...lama ok! berejam!

Masuk je jumpa doc...doc nak buat VE again!.. { VE ni dah buat banyak kali since dah bukak 1 cm and kerap plak gi cek..sbb slalu ada contraction yang irregular..sbb tak de pengalaman to be safe..pergi je HUKM tu cek }...whuaaa sangat tidak suka ye...
tiba-tiba...ok..masuk wad! ha???
dah open 2cm..whoaaa.. doc tu tu siap senyum-senyum...hopefuly esok dah boleh bersalin dah ni..ada baby raya!

keluar je bilik doc tu terus cakap kat DH..errr..masuk wad la (dalam hati sangat takut..) nasib semua barang-barang dah ada dalam kereta..cuma ada skit-skit barang je kat rumah...doc nak tengok progress the next day...jengjeng jeng...
Bermula lah kisah boring tido sensorang kat ward..hish!heeee
Tak boleh tido la agaknya nervous...jalan-jalan sorang-sorang pusing2 keliling ward..hahaha terlelap la sekejap..pastu awal pagi dah dikejutkan balik nak amik tekanan darah la nak buat ctg la...ok la whatever...

7am..doc pun sampai...terus doc tu cakap..jom alia..saya cek...(ya allah...nervousnya..) for sure VE lagi...huarghhhh...doc pun dah cek-cek..ok 3cm...kita pecah air ketuban ye..huh!takutnya apa benda plak doc tu pegang panjang dan tajam tak mahu tengok! tiba-tiba....keluar air mengalir...eeeikk..mula rasa tak selesa..bergerak lagi banyak dia klua..pastu terus doc kata..ok alia kita hantar labour..ha??? tekejut!!! ye ke ni...hish hish nervous scary suma ada la...eeii apakah perasaan ini takuttt!!! terus call DH..ok get ready..doc dah anta gi labour
so mula2 masuk 1st stage dulu...dia bagi ubat  kasik clean perot..mak aihh terbaek gak ubat ni! btw...doc tu lupa nak tanya ..ok i blom breakfast!!!! lapa ok! tak bleh plak makan dah..arghh cemana ni....pasrah!

masa DH sampai masih lagi kat 1stage...pastu kena transfer labour room dah...sebab ada benda mesin apa ntah yang tak betul kat dalam tu ,reading dia macam lambat so terus masuk labour room..bermulalah penantian kami...DH yang setia bersama menanti dengan penuh sabar...dari dia duduk bangun jalan-jalan tinjau-tinjau nampak one by one baby other person dah klua siap cakap tu..tu dah klua dah sorang lagi hihi..and DH masih sabar menanti..oh DH thank you very much!muaxx~

hmmm..masuk labour around 9.30-10.00am... deliver baby at...jengjengjeng

panjang cerita ni...kita tgk gambar dulu la...cerita kita sambung nanti..hihii

Dalam labour room... whuarghhh saya kuat! heheh nak sedapkan hati yang cuak dan takut..
Chenta Hati Peneman setia... menanti dengan penuh sabar..ilebyu! muaxxxxx~
it's a BOY! Alhamdulillah....syukur kami selamat dan sihat...perasaan yang bercampur baur macam rojak tak tau la camner....~speechless~

Kegembiraan itu milik kami...14 .8.2012 at 8;18pm...Our Pride and Joy...
baby nak beraya klua at 38 weeks.. 2 minggu awal dari due date...sepatutnya 25hb...tapi dia tak sabar nak sambut raya sama mommy and papa...
 hugs and kisses
with lots of love....

Thursday, June 21, 2012

pregnancy week 31

 after we decided our 2nd option for the hospital for my delivery..
My SIL helped me to do all the 1st appointment at HUKM.. if not, sure susah and banyak hal...TQ dear sister..

1st check-up owhhh..BP rendah doc tu kata..eish...
i need a good sleep and super rest!
tak la susah sangat kat HUKM ni just kena cepat bila  appointment tu pagi..kalau boleh sila lah sampai sebelum pukul 8am..
kalau tidak memang berjanggut la tunggu kat sini...memang ler dah set appointment tu but still...
sediri mau ingat la..hehehe letih dok tunggu je..

since last 2weeks ada sakit-sakit yang kurang menyenangkan..tapi..this week bertambah sakit.Sangat tidak selesa...
sangat sakit! kalau nak bangun pun susah nak bergerak pun susah nak pusing-pusing pun susah....haiya...apo plak ni...
so cepat-cepat tanya my SIL norley othman rupa-rupanya.....ini adalah kerana kepala baby sudah dibawah dan memberi tekanan dan mummynya tertekan!whoaaaaaa

  Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) or symphysis pubis instability or also known as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP).

What is symphysis pubis dysfunction?

The two halves of your pelvis are connected at the front by a stiff joint called the symphysis pubis. This joint is strengthened by a dense network of tough, flexible tissues, called ligaments. To help your baby pass through your pelvis as easily as possible, your body produces a hormone called relaxin, which softens the ligaments.

As a result, these joints move more during and just after pregnancy, causing inflammation and pain, known as symphysis pubis dysfunction or SPD.

A related condition is diastasis symphysis pubis (DSP), in which the gap in the pubic joint widens too far. The average gap between the bones in a non-pregnant woman is between 4mm and 5mm, and during pregnancy it's normal for this gap to widen by 2mm or 3mm. If the gap is 10mm or more, DSP is diagnosed. It's rare, and can only be identified by X-ray.

What causes SPD?

We are not sure exactly what causes SPD, but it's thought to be caused by a combination of hormones that you produce during pregnancy and the way your body moves. It is thought that if one side of the pelvis moves more than the other when you walk or move your legs, the area around the symphysis pubis becomes tender.

Although the condition is thought to be related to excess movement in the pelvic joints, the amount of discomfort isn't related to any gap in the joint. Many women with a normal-sized gap feel a lot of pain.

If you have hypermobility syndrome, stated your periods before you were 11, or are overweight, then you may be more likely to develop SPD during your pregnancy.

When does it happen?

SPD can occur at any time during your pregnancy or after giving birth. Many women notice it for the first time around the middle of their pregnancy. If you have SPD in one pregnancy, it is more likely that you'll have it again next time you get pregnant.

The symptoms may also come on earlier and progress faster, so it is important to seek help promptly. It can help if you allow the symptoms from one pregnancy to settle before trying to get pregnant again.

What are the symptoms?

Pain in the pubic area and groin are the most common symptoms. But you may also have the following signs:

 •Back pain, pelvic girdle pain or hip pain. --> i have the backpain and hip pain ouchhh. 

•A grinding or clicking sensation in your pubic area.

•Pain down the inside of your thighs or between your legs. It can be made worse by parting your legs, walking, going up or down stairs or moving around in bed. --> it's killing me! memang susah nak jalan sobsobsob nak pusing suma susah...

•Worse pain at night. It can stop you sleeping well and getting up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night can be especially painful. -->whoaaaaa nanges kasik kuat skit...susah nak gi toilet..rasa serba tak kena!

How is it diagnosed?

SPD is becoming more widely understood by doctors, physiotherapists and midwives. Your doctor or midwife should refer you to a specialist women’s health physiotherapist who will have experience in treating it.

Your physiotherapist will diagnose SDP by listening to your description of your symptoms and by testing the stability, movement and pain in your pelvic joints and muscles.

How is it treated?

SPD is often managed in the same way as pelvic girdle pain, and treatment will include:

•Exercises, especially for the tummy and pelvic floor muscles, to improve the stability of your pelvis and back. You may need gentle, hands-on treatment of your hip, back or pelvis to correct stiffness or imbalance. Exercise in water can sometimes be useful.

•You should also be given advice on how to make daily activities less painful and on how to make the birth of your baby easier. Your midwife should help you to write a birth plan which takes into account your SPD symptoms.

•Acupuncture may help and has been shown to be safe during pregnancy, but make sure your practitioner is trained and experienced in working with pregnant women.

•Osteopathy and chiropractic may help, but again, make sure you see registered practitioner who is experienced in treating pregnant women.

•A pelvic support belt will give quick relief. 

 Are there any self-help tips I can follow?

There are things you can do yourself to ease your pain:

•Regular pelvic floor and tummy exercises can ease the strain on your pelvis. Get down onto your hands and knees and level your back so that it is roughly flat. Breathe in and then as you breathe out, squeeze in your pelvic floor muscles and at the same time pull your belly button in and up. Hold this contraction for between five and 10 seconds without holding your breath and without moving your back. Relax the muscles slowly at the end of the exercise.

•Avoid moving your legs apart when your back is slumped or you are lying down. Take care when getting in and out of the car, bed or bath. If you are lying down, pulling your knees up as far as you can stops your pelvis from moving and makes it easier to part your legs. If you are sitting, try arching your back and sticking your chest out before parting or moving your legs, as this also helps to stop your pelvis from moving.

•Avoid pushing through any pain. If something hurts, if possible don't do it. If the pain is allowed to flare up, it can take a long time to settle down again. 

•Move little and often. You may not feel the effects of what you are doing until later in the day or after you have gone to bed. i'm very active! ha caner ni??memang mendapek la tengah-tengah malam,pagi buta..haiyo!

•Rest regularly by sitting on an exercise or birth ball or by getting down on your hands and knees. This takes the weight of your baby off your pelvis and holds it in a stable position.

•Avoid heavy lifting or pushing. Supermarket trolleys can often make your pain worse, so shop online or ask someone to shop for you. •When climbing stairs, go up them one step at a time. Step up onto one step with your best leg and then bring your other leg to meet it. Repeat with each step. Only use stairs when you have to.---> at school maybe this will be my big problem...jauh tu nak gi toilet.kena naik tangga...tak pun kena jalan sampai swimming pool phewwwww!!! (padahal takde la jauh mana pun kalau i'm in normal condition kehkehkeh)

•Avoid swimming breaststroke and take care with other strokes. You may feel swimming is helping your pain while you are in the water, but it could make you feel worse when you get out.

•When getting dressed, sit down to pull on your knickers or trousers. --> Whoaaaa again...suma sakit!

How soon after I've had my baby will I recover from SPD?

Most women find that their symptoms improve after their baby is born, although some still have pain when their babies are a year old. Carry on with physiotherapy after the birth and get help with looking after your baby during the early weeks if you can. -->kalau boleh cepat-cepat la hilang sakit ni...susah nak bergerak...sangat tidak selesa..kalau boleh nak rest the whole day and night...and stay in my lalaland!

 Some ex-sufferers find the pain recurs every month just before their period is due. This is caused by hormones which have a similar effect to the pregnancy hormone relaxin. 

Reblog this from my SIL norley othman

after a day gi check up in HUKM.....
i had to go again the next day! - June 19th 2012
ok this is scary for me yang tak pernah rasa and this is my 1st time....
call SIL (she advise me to go to hosp) and hubby cecepat datang amik ye...

i had my pre-contraction and perot mengeras je keja apahal ni??? baby tak kan nak klua dah kot jangan la gitu you only 31 weeks my dear little khalifah...sabar ye...
and pain here and there..suma tak kena...nak jalan pun susah..bongkok je..kaki walaweih membengkak bagai johan! besar oi!scary!
nak nanges cuak suma ada takut...

TBC! :)


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Apple of the day!

( itunes :The middle-jimmy eat world )

For month and almost a year....
and i really miss my playground!
and i will have so much fun again and again!!!!

My SUPER JET back to position!
with new head!ehehhehehe

I love my SUPER JET!
see ya!

Monday, May 21, 2012

love thought...

long story after a couple of month ...

now already 26 week...can show my babybum already!
my baby very playful inside..
ouuuh...tak pernah dah move around...
kick here and there.. :) it's a wonderful to have this kind of feeling...
we talk and play together everyday..
and my cutie pie very excited when daddy is around... :)
sorry la baby...mummy quite busy...
sometime i don't have enough rest when my schedule control everything...
but we managed to get things done together....and u safe with me..we played colors,paints,brushes together..
and i know baby love it so much! and i know baby love apples too ahhahaha

it's much more better when i had transferred to kl morning train..
which is so much relief..
few month back i had my back pain! ouch! stressed!
just imagine everyday from KL- Seremban  for a mummy to be...
and now..i'm super HAPPY!

Every single day and month...time change...and i cherish every single time with  my baby+hubby with lot's of love....
 i love you both so much! muahhhs!!!!


have a great day eveyone!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Baby darling week 14

Assalamualaikum & hello everyone... dah 14 weeks...almost 4 month...
menjadi mummy yang sangat aktif...
tapi still...NO RICE!!!!
yang peliknya..nasik lemak ke...nasik ayam ke...boleh plak...nasik goreng pun boleh..tapi nak nasik goreng cendawan je..lain takmau...haha heran! kenapa nasik putih tak boleh???
mummy ni kuat berjalan..jalan je keja dia..ahahha...

so today me and FH dah plan nak gi check dua2 pun arrange untuk keluar lebih awal...
wahhh giler clear..seronoknya jalan..ahhaha
again...nak jumpa Dr.Zunita...

setiap kali nak gi checkup mesti sengeh-sengeh...hahahah
kali ni FH nak ikut skali..YAY!!!!
excited both of us nak tgk baby...apa la dia tgh buat tu..ahhaha
Bila doc dah cek-cek...tekanan darah suma pun ok..then
doc tanya ada muntah lagi ke tak..jawapannya adalah tidak KECUALI bila makan nasi!hahahaha
western tul!
then macam biasa la...doc nak scan...FH dah tinjau2 sbb masa tu doc blom panggil lagi ahhaha...
pastu doc tunjuk.....

Dengan aktifnya dia bermain-main! we can see kaki tangan back bones tulang belulang...wahhhhhhh...pusing-pusing...pastu nyorok..pastu pusing lagi!
sedang berseni lukis,main lego...! hahahaha(what la my imagination)
enjoying her/his time suka sangat kitaorang tengok dia...

Next month..kita jumpa lagi ok baby!
memang americano...
kenny rogers pulak!!!

**kalau boleh hari-hari nak makan twister KFC!
nasib tak mintak kambing hari-hari..hahahah

Baby darling week 9

Assalamualaikum! Hello everyone :)

Jom cerita check up...

1st check up gi klini biasa je...just to confirm pregnant bila dah buat pregnancy test kat rumah tu..
so gi la bersama FH...

but i'm sorry doc! i don't like you! boleh kan camni..
padahal takde apa pun...
saja tak suka doc tu..ntah apa kena ntah...
doc tu macam tak de perasaan...
FH & me blur...
masa tu nak scan awal sangat....tak nampak pon..

doc tu kata : dah test kat rumah
me : dah
doc : ok so confirm la tu...nak buat test kat sini lg skali?
me :yes ..pls..
so gi la buat test..kencing and doc test la apa la kan..
doc : see..double confirm
me : ok..
doc ok i bg folic acid
me ok tu cakap mendatar je..dgn muka yg sangat membosankan...ahhaha
kesimpulannya memang tak suka!so babai la doc...tidak la untuk seterusnya..ahahha

Then  i went to Damai Service Hospital,Melawati
hmmm...nampaknya lain skit dari klinik biasa tu...
so tanya-tanya..and lucky haritu doc tuk cek pregnancy ni pompuan..Dr.Zunita... suka..senyum je
err blom jumpa pun lagi..pehal dah suka...
1st impression kot.. excited pun ye agaknya...
This is after a month jumpa doc lemau tu...
so masa ni FH tak mo ikut masuk lagi..ehheh
Doc yg friendly...
Describe what will happen at this week etc...wahh sangat best!

hello mummy for the first time!doc describe la..tu kepala dia..tangan...kaki ha camtu...
senyum2 je doc tu... suka!

Keluar je dr bilik tu...senyum-senyum cakap kat FH nak tgk tak??? NAh...
FH : apasal tak panggil???
ahhaha ngada-ngada kan tadi takmo ikut masuk (sambil dia belek2 amik gamba siap! pastu post fb! ahhaha)....
love you! muahs!
pastu terus lupa dah doc yg lemau lg membosankan tu...

** at this week (about 9) i start can't eat rice...dangg!
semua nasik keluar balik after makan...whoooooaaaaa feel the heartburn + asthma attack jugak :(

We will cherish our time together baby....pls be good ok...muahmuah!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


This is the love mochimochi (buat muka moncong2 kishkish ala-ala muka nak kena sepak!)hehhee
As i remembered i called my sisters... if they had delayed menstruation because we all had taken the EPO (Evening Primrose Oil) as a food supplement.hmmm...adik said..YES!mine delayed for few days...but it's ok.,Nina said...YES!!! mine late!'gila lambat!' oo ok...and ...i think it's normal since i got married things changes..the menstrual date slightly change,it's ok for me...

Me and FH had our dinner in Kg Baru...nak makan bubur...belom apa-apa sakit perot teramat sangat yang membuatkan mood makan hancus!macam kena gastrik tu..erghhhh makan-makan terus nak balik..sobsobsob tak dapat nak menikmati makanan bersungguh-sungguh.
belom sempat sampai rumah tiba-tiba rasa nak muntah...ok this also normal untuk i yang selalu muntah. Meluat buat kerja pun muntah memang tak bleh blah! Tak suka tak suka...
dah muntah sakan then i said, LAPARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!huaaaaaa jom gi 7E la...nak find something lite to eat..nak cadbury bytes skali..whatevalaaa..hehehe

hmmm...Hampa!apa nak pun tak dapat!yg paling tak boleh terima cadbury bytes tu takde..apa daaa 7E ni! ehhhh tapi kat sini ada benda lain la...secrectly bought it...simpan terus!
sampai rumah sambung lagi muntah!ye saya sangat suka (muka keronyokkeronyok senget-senget nak nangis!)
lama gak la dlm toilet tu buat kerja sensorang. wekwekwekwekwekkk hukhukhuk wekwekwekwek...
not only me yang sakit perot kesian FH pun perot tak best...tu plak mengelodak je perot dia...
dah selesai wekwekwek tu...senyum-senyum klua toilet macam kerang busuk senyum sorang-sorang ahhaha pastu paggil FH cepat-cepat...haih... dia plak nak cepat2 masuk toilet..wakkakaka arghh tak pedulik,
sini...meh sini.....
ada present!
bukak la!

dia boleh plak tanya...apa ni??? ahhaha (tepuk dahi!)
memang FH tak tau apa benda ni pon!pastu bisik-bisik comel....
ahhahaha pastu senyum-senyum dia kata jaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
toilet dulu! wakakakkakakakakakak (gelak nak guling-guling tengok FH tahan sakit perot nak kejar toilet,sambil nak gelak sepak2 eeeeeeieiiiii  boleh plak dia tanya apa benda ni?)

***takde cadbury bytes...beli benda ni kat 7E...

2012! me.,excited mommy to be and FH nak jadi daddy!
Pray for us!