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love art and and creative.full of ideas and always bloated!ehhehehe Designer.photographer.teacher... Art teacher :P


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Monday, June 20, 2011

Pinky berry

My Sunday baking project... this time very PINK!
very L to the L . O. V . E
and the cuppies vanila flavor with strawberry jam..
great for tea time...
yummylicious i tell you...

dah few time buat..but this one my own mixture..ngehmgeh ikut suka hati..sebab before too sweet for me
and the icing bagi lagi's a butter cream frosting...

yang ni...
sangat sesuai untuk tekak-tekak yang tak berapa suka manis.Kalau manis sangat nanti boleh tergeliat kalau makan...ehhe

Enjoy my Pinky berrylicious cuppies yaw!

untuk icing decor tu boleh diletakan jugak strawberry jam tu ikut suka hati. ala-ala mengedik-gedik je jam tu ehhe...rasanya masam-masam manis...layan weih....

ipod burst :itulah sayang.the ramlees.p.ramlee satu indiepretasi