Ini saya...

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love art and and creative.full of ideas and always bloated!ehhehehe Designer.photographer.teacher... Art teacher :P


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~My Qhalif~

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Q love mommy's super milk!

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Unbalance and it's not by coincidence...

I cannot explain.but I want to interact with other people.
I miss being a student.campus life.'LEPAK' till late,so easy...not that serious money and working matters.
today,everything change,from time to second counts.past is past.The memories,remain.
Work till late,hardworking...Maybe this is the time for a better life,being more creative,and is this the way to full fill life to the fullest???(maybe for now and future?)...just give me some space. maybe not a better friend for friends,Not a better Fiance for my fiance,not a better daughter or what so ever...
Just being here trying so hard to be on track.(save some money to buy the watch)eheheh Not fake and very transparent.Don't get me wrong...please don't get me wrong.too passionate hardworking trying to be such a very lovely girl with full of natural spirit and soul .
Thank You for all support and prayers from all.may everything will change.and i can't wait for the result..(@ this time i can happily smiling and dancing)

Wingless bird singing "The girl from Ipanema"


Shyda luv Radzak said...

labour day cuti bkan cbok cari duet jo memanjang...hehe

Shyda luv Radzak said...

abg den tu nak jimek..tu yang pakai kaler ijau tu raya nyer