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love art and and creative.full of ideas and always bloated!ehhehehe Designer.photographer.teacher... Art teacher :P


Tabung duit beli ipone4S


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

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Duit tabung beli ipad2

Saturday, August 2, 2008


For IT gadget personn there's must be something make all of them to be there...
including me.this is my first time.Every hall different product,but for now,i'm wondering why all seems so bored just in a second.Just because you don't have money???hmmm...

Being here for no reason.May be to company someone else...maybe.
saw people crazy looking,thinking and deciding.
Nothing much my drop point just...'m sure less than 10 out off hundreds maybe.

2.Epson printers
3.P1 w1max
4.hard disk/gadgets/pen drive/..some sort of supermart where they had all those kind of things
5.Altec lansing....

The pen drive skin not that important for me.Just i;m thinking to buy because for all this while i've been searching for mine one,but nothing help me coz none can fit into my pen drive.

RM 10 for a cute pen drive skin hahhaha o yeah! i dont think so..
once talked like that to make people heart cried it's not worth at all.
So end up not to buy the pen drive skin until you find your stuff...RM10 or else we can find it another day or place or just forget about it.
It's nothing matters.

RM10 not worth,The pen drive skin also not worth. Mean nothing.
Thank You.

Heart cry.but no tear drops.Fantastic!
catch ya later.
bless you.


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