Ini saya...

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love art and and creative.full of ideas and always bloated!ehhehehe Designer.photographer.teacher... Art teacher :P


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~My Qhalif~

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Q love mommy's super milk!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Breastfeeding tickers

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Just a little note

I missed being here to meet others each days...i need time "off" for a while.Since i had my eyesore and back pain.My back pain still...until now and make me going crazy...Hope everybody doing so well in everyday life.I'm looking forward for this coming wedding for beloved so called 'sister',friend...preparing a few stuff for her.she's getting married this 31st of May..huhuhuu Happy wedding for her!
Last few weeks really turn me into a ...erghhh..hmm i dunno what to called that!but it's really mumble jumble my thoughts and feelings.i dragged myself to the 'SUPERLAZY' person staying at home offline,doing my own things which i think it suite me now...trying to stabilize myself.I melted!
Sorry Dude,sometime things not in order as we want...but trying to make things perfect is not a harm i guess.May you be blessed for the things u said and thought about how bad things are...
I Had my eyed on every move and steps..,(but i just pretend i'm not)my mind don't stop even while I'm sleeping(anyone had a sleeping pills?please gimme one) :)
The conversation still in mind...yes Stop!thats the word..but it can't stop me coz i still can hear it's around me!!!urghhhh
the words,the thought...killed me!

while I'm recovering from this...hopefully there's a way for me.
Supportive and positive environment is a good medicine for me
I guess....



i'm going crazy with this PACKMAN!
medicine for a crazy people like me sometimes! yuks!
any suggestion if you had better crazy ideas???


Sunday, May 11, 2008


hello world...

Dah beberapa hari kesakitan tak tertanggung lagi..bagaimanakah???
takder jawapan lain selain,makan la ubat apa susah kan...
mula-mula sakit mata,berair macam boleh takung buat mandi...sakit,pedih,gatal..erghhh.
demam di malam hari yang tak berenti..kenapa nih???
selesai perkara perkara tersebut...
dan....minggu lepas,jatuh tergelincir..alamak tertekan di bahagian lutut dan...kemampuan untuk ketawa itu indah,tetapi kesakitan itu sangat tidak terkata,menangis sambil ketawa dan ketawa lagi...beberapa hari selepas itu,hasilnya agak menawan...HEBAT BUKAN???

sangat sakit...
beberapa hari selepas tuh lagi la...
kenapa pulak ada sakit belakang nih"back pain" dan agak tak boleh tahan.jalan pun dah macam apa ntah...tegak tak boleh bongkok pun tak boleh abih tu cemana???
Sungguh!kesakitan ni sangat tak best..tapi,mungkin tuhan bagi sakit untuk bercuti sementara...sehingga hari ini belakang sangat sakit..panas dan macam ada sedikit bengkak(adakah ini disebabkan jatuh tu?)hmmmmm
Ada sedikit kurang sakitnya tapi kadang-kadang masih juga berdenyut-denyut sakitnya...3 hari hidup hanya terbaring.Kesakitan yang sangat susah nak bangun,membuatkan bantal itu indah,kesemua kerja termasuklah bangun untuk ke tandas juga di rasa macam nak jalan kaki 400km...erghhhh

Semakin hari diharap semakin beransur pulih.semoga Saya Cepat sembuh dan boleh kerja kuat-kuat,rajin-rajin untuk cari duit banyak-banyak dan tidak menyusahkan sesiapa.....

Supaya saya tabah menghadapi hari-hari sakit ini tanpa ker?sedih la jugak :(

Gerek Itu Alia!