while everybody enjoying their holiday,i'm still here,in my studio.enjoying the day.with my 2 friends cik bam n mimah hayam...chilled in the studio.Today is labour day,but we are working hapily like we've been payed tripple for the day(it just our dream)$$$$$$ hahaha.
what eva...still i can go online. :) mimah the hayam busy work on my mac.he is the hero for today...nasibla mi...what to do.again cik bam asked me to teach her.ok.since mi using my mac...ok je.coz boleh buat kat mac dia...ok anak murid...dengar cikgu cakap ni..amik ketas,amik pen tulis...take note!nak kena pukul???ok tak nak...so ikut apa cikgu cakap ye sayang...hahaha
my uncle was here with amir, he drob by, they on the way back from kuantan to seremban...sempat plak rock n roll dulu.sibuk nak melayan youtube, tina turner.enjoyed the moment...take a break...
befire we continue working, while we enjoying tina turner show, mi take a nap, bam busy doing her homework.us... really enjoyed tina turner show... like we there in the crowd...in her live show...but,so sad...we just infront the mac screen.
i miss being online since everyone so busy.
i mean on my mac.
till i post more.
:) enjoy the day... happy labour day everyone.
using my gorgeous iphone to blog.
lovely dancing bird
la jolie alia